
two meaningless poems

After the Appendicitis Operation

You should be grateful, my friend said,

Think of the soldiers fighting in the front

Once wounded you either wait for death

Or be quickly and roughly bandaged

Then thrown to the corner as if abandoned.

Who would fu-care you as the nurses do here?

I suppressed my laughter in my abdomen

Released a little out of my lung,

Which made my scar throb like an erupting volcano

Now I definitely take the side of anti-war protestors

Simply for the sake of the pain that man suffers

A Top

A toy that he destroyed

Schools he went through

A job that he hunted like a dog

Are what a top is orbiting around

Taught to get above the top

He is rapidly spinning

Around his new born son

I asked him how does it feel

To be a father

Great! You have a son and your life is full.

Yes, he’s got a son

Who will turn into a new top before long
written in 2006
