
A girl called Kelly

It's not Emmie, not Sally, not Emily

It's elly, with an "e" little and sweety

I saw her sitting under a tree, unhappy

So I asked: you look lost, why?

Because I dropped my Kay in the valley

I looked for it all night and now I’m just elly

I looked at her moon-shadowed face with sympathy

and decided to get her Kay back with alacrity

I bid Elly goodbye and started my journey

Not knowing what the Kay was but finding the loss was my specialty

There was a boar bathing in a swamp, muddy yet shiny

I asked him: Do you happen to see a Kay, my lord?

Oh, yes, you mean the Kay golden and glossy?

It was picked from here by Mr. Witty, Monkey of the Valley.

I crossed the swamp and came to a tree on which dangled Mr. Witty

Monkey of the Valley, do you have the Kay?

Oh, yes, you mean that Kay, golden and glossy?

It was taken by a bear who must have thought it yummy.

I bid him adieu and went on to look for a bear with a big belly

and found him by a stream holding a sunflower as an umbrelly

Bear with big belly, do you have a Kay golden and glossy?

If you can give it to me I'll repay you with a pot of honey.

Oh, the Kay is not with me. I dropped it near a red lily.

But if you don’t mind I’ll still accept the pot of honey

I left the pot and walked along the stream playing in reverie

Ah, there you are, red lily and here's the Kay, golden and glossy

I turned back, with the Kay in hand, happy as a kiddie

Along the stream, and passed the tree, crossed the swamp

and came out of the valley, all seemed pretty

I came to the tree under which sat Elly

Hi Elly, I found your Kay, now you can be happy.

Your name can be restored now to its former beauty.

Ah, my Kay! Thank you so much Humphrey.

My Kay's back, now you can call me Kelly.

It's not Carrie, not Cherry, not even elly

It's Kelly, with a big "K" golden and glossy

written in March, 2008.
