
Carwyn James


"A man past 50 asks himself: what the hell am I doing here? A man past 50 sees clearly the people and community that shaped his life."
这句话不是Carwyn说的,而是编剧借扮演Carwyn的演员之口说的。片子开头字幕: evidence shows that Carwyn kept a diary, but no one has seen it. The film is an imagination of the diary. 影片一半基于真实的采访——主人公的哥哥、队友、老师、同事、记者;一半是虚构的场景——只能依稀看见半个脸的"Carwyn"徘徊在黑暗的走廊里,在昏暗的旅馆里停笔咳嗽、饮酒啜泣。虚实结合,历史场景靠表演再现,是为drama documentary.

Carwyn之于威尔士就好象马拉多纳之于阿根廷。片子结束后,angela说"if you go into a bar here in Wales, everybody knows Carwyn James. When our first child was born, my husband said, let's call him Carwyn."



交代村子全景的几个叠加在一起的静景长镜头: "You need to be confident in these shots. It's like photos piled together, with one after another. You absolutely know that these wide shots do their job-- to show the scenery of the village. Young film makers often worry that steady wide shots aren't enough, and they try to pan or zoom. It requires a director's confidence." -- Angela


移动镜头: 被采访的人物出场时,他们安静地坐在屋子里,摄像机从屋外像蛇一样匍匐着慢慢地进入屋子,镜头平稳地移动、深入,最后呈现人物的一个全景,采访的声音率先进入画面。然后切入人物面部的特写,进入采访。
