
Scarborough Fair

The original Chinese is written by Scavenger, which can be read HERE. I don't think my translation does justice to his delicate and beautiful description of the sad story. I just couldn't help translating it into Engilsh.

Before I broke into pieces, I was in love with a girl.
I won't say silly words like each girl is different in her own sweet way,
for I had never known any other girl before her.
or rather, had never GENUINELY known any.
We have discussed this many times.
Even now, I can still feel in her young heart, deep down,
that my self is still there.
Her heart is warm.
Apart from that, I can't tell you more.

When dusk was falling, that girl would cook a wok of tasty Russian soup.
To do that, she would rise early in the morning and
climb over the mountains and valleys all the way to Scarborough Fair.
Her shoes and socks were soaked in dew
must have been uncomfortable, wasn't it?
But she still carried a delicate smile on her face and walked through the fair
picked out the suitable ingredients, whose names I couldn't tell,
nor their distinctive colours and scents.
But I stood by her quietly afterwards, listening to the things
she described to me one by one and that--
that black little cat hiding in the shop.
She asked me, with pushiness, to find
that kind of black little cat for her.

I pulled at her hair, and said "Don't worry."
Then I started on my cause to look for the cat she wanted.
I had no idea that I could have walked for so long.
News came from the other side that she dropped many tears
into the soup that had already become cold.
She sewed winter clothes in the hope of my return
but the needle pricked her fingers.
I also heard that they burried us in the mountain of Scarborough
because when we were in love we had dated
at the mountain foot in the early morning.
We quickly walked up to the top.
Her face was redened and she gasped
as she pinned a little flower onto my collar.

You probably don't know that we still meet in the morning
only we are never able to come down the mountain together
I have a messy memory but I remember in my descent
I've seen numerous cats, cats of all colours and ages
but never did I find a black little cat.

Trickitty Tracy

*A Poem for Jiang Xiaomao (Tracy)

I saw that cat sitting on the wall every morning
while I was carrying the crazy stone on my way to work

I broke down one day and threw it off my shoulder
I said hi to the cat and she greeted me with a Chesire grin

A trick? I thought, gaping
at the empty space which had been filled by a cat

"No, Trickitty"
A small voice broke into my ear

A trick-kitty?
Like an appiration, she was sitting on my right shoulder

"I'm Schrodinger's cat with ever-changing appearances
and an ever-lasting spirit"

What's your name? I asked
with my head turning to the right

But there was nothing, not even
a cat paw's mark left

A trickitty? I murmured
wondering whether it was me who'd been tricked

"No, Tracy" A small voice rose again
and climbed into my left ear

Tracy Cat? I turned my head to the left
trying to catch the source of the voice

A furry tail flashed in front of my eyes
before I could follow its trace

There she was, on the wall again stretching her legs and
arching her back as all cats do after a sweet nap

She squinted at me against the sun and
with a "Meow" she jumped off the wall

I looked down at the heavy stone, not knowing how to continue
the ever-lasting routine with an ever-changing heart



“你听听这个人的歌,应该会喜欢。”柏桑说,“叫地球上最高的男人(the tallest man on earth),其实个子可小了,真的是个小个子,又瘦又小。”柏桑像捏着一粒芝麻那样并住两根手指,好像那人就捏在指间。
不久柏桑去了Green Man艺术节,见到了这个“地球上最高的男人”,回来后又兴奋地提到了他。

那差不多是一年前的事了。去年9月离开英国的时候,我带着着行囊在开往机场的大巴里听着他的歌,听着他唱到“I plan to be forgotten when I'm gone. Yes, I'll be leaving in the fall.”立马就神伤了。你看, 好歌的出现总是需要天时、地利、人别。

还是一把吉他,加上出色的歌词。只靠这两样东西立足的人一般都活得很艰辛,Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen, Damien Rice,英国人不到30便抑郁而死;加拿大人命硬,但也直到74岁才被晚生Lou Reed引入摇滚名人堂,致辞时老头子仍不忘翻出陈年往事揶揄在场的美国乐评人John Landau;爱尔兰人也是在退出了唱片公司、怀着一颗破釜沉舟大不了在意大利做农民的心才大器晚成的。如果Bob Dylan不是身处那个越战、嬉皮士、民权运动风起云涌的年代,凭他的嗓音条件要成名还真不好说。高中刚脱离后街男孩、西城男孩、辣妹组合的那个阶段,我读到了那时流行的音乐杂志上介绍Bob Dylan的文章,心潮澎湃,于是跑到镇上唯一一个能买到40岁以上西方男歌手的CD店,找到了一张Dylan的大拼盘碟(当时盗版的惯常做法,即把一名歌手的歌曲尽可能多得塞到一张碟里)。回家后我怀着景仰、敬畏、期待的复杂心情,按下了CD机的播放键。一分钟后,我在一种听完恐怖故事的氛围里按下了停止键,并惊魂未定地告诉自己“他的嗓音不可能这样的,一定是盗版碟的原因。”直到进了大学再次听到Dylan,终于确信那个来回颠簸、四处漏风的声音就是他的真声。所以说,破嗓音的成名总是需要天时、地利以及John Baez.

这名“地球上最高的男子”叫Kristian Matsson,嗓音倒也没有Bob Dylan那样不堪,但是想从他的歌声里获得些愉悦也不容易。吸引我的,无非是漂亮的吉他和弦和别致的歌词(几首歌里还能听到他弹奏的banjo)。不知道为什么要给自己起这么个艺名,不过在Gardener这首歌里,他倒是唱了为什么要做“最高男”的原因——为了女人。这是一首很邪恶的歌,因为欢快的曲调之下歌唱者以第一人称讲述了一桩连环杀人案,叙述的场景丝毫不带血腥,相反让我们看到了阳光,闻到了花香、听到了爱情密语——但美丽的花圃之下却埋着三具尸体,凶手骗取了女主人公的芳心,并以一个胜利者的姿态向我们讲了这个故事。是不是很邪恶?













the story is so meaningless and I don't know why I translated it

The following article and poem are translated by me, and edited by Robert Berold, from the original Chinese written by Wuqing (乌青, meaning Bruise, pseudonym of Zheng Gongyu), who quited college in his second year and led a normadic life since then. Wuqing published his own books and sells them online. He also made short films, which I haven't seen.

Smash slate on chest

It was a hot and stuffy afternoon, and I was feeling in low spirits. Even a cigarette wouldn't have made me feel good. So I walked over to the cold drink shop at the gate of our compound and bought a cup of cucumber juice. I wandered through the neighbourhood as I drank it. A girl was pushing her bike along in front of me. She had a nice ass. So I followed her for a while. I kept walking between the apartment blocks. Water was oozing out of the air conditioners. I spat and my spit was cucumber-green.

I felt bored and restless.  Then suddenly I was overcome by this strange desire.  I wished I had a board with nails on it. I wanted to lie on it, and then have a heavy piece of slate laid on my chest, so heavy that I wouldn't be able to breathe. Then a person with a hammer would come along and hit it onto me. Think of that! Wouldn't that be fun!

When something comes up, act on it – that’s what I believe. There was an old woman who collected garbage where I lived. I could get anything from her. So I said to her, I need a wooden board studded with nails, a heavy slab of slate and a huge hammer. But she couldn't understand Chinese. So I explained to her with gestures. I said, wooden board, board with nails, full of nails coming out of it; slate, big big piece of rock, and very heavy; hammer, huge hammer, to hit the rock.

Nothing would lift my spirits that night. So I went back to the cold drink shop and ordered another cucumber juice. I walked out of our compound as I drank it. I decided to fritter away the time in the supermarket nearby. There was a woman on the slow escalater. Her legs were huge. I came up with a kind of desire.
‘When something comes up, act on it’. So I walked up to her and said, Your legs are fat. She responded, It's none of your business! I had said the one thing I wanted to say, so I went away without a word.

I walked to the section selling sanitary pads, and my mind got carried away while I was standing there.  It's not that I was watching the stuff on the shelves, it’s just that I wanted to let my mind drift. After a while I noticed that a woman next to me was staring at me. Without saying anything, It forced a kiss on her for about 10 seconds. Then I spat out a gum and gave it back to her. It's yours, I said.

Back to my living area, I saw a stray cat. I wanted to catch it. ‘When something comes up, act on it’. So I dashed towards it, but it sprinted away without a trace. I shouted out loudly to the old woman, Where is my board with nails,  and the slate and the hammer?

*“想到了就要做”原本译成do it when something comes up,改成when something comes up, act on it之后,要切合得多。


I think crying is useless
mom cried
grandma cried, too
even papa's and grandpa's crying
didn't solve anything

when they were crying
they put everything aside
blocked the whole world
not even God could stop them
from crying




























回去查了资料,这名刚刚去世的英国战地记者叫蒂姆·海瑟林顿(Tim Hetherington),在利比亚报导途中遭到炮袭遇难,和他一同遇难的还有美国的摄影记者克里斯·洪德罗斯(Chris Hondros)。看的资料越多,就越发感到蒂姆·海瑟林顿的死是一个躲也躲不掉的结局,一方面是因为职业本身潜在的危险,另一方面是因为海瑟林顿内心强烈的人道主义责任——就像历史上那些为了道义或是使命屡次出入死神境地的伟大人物,他们的死都加重了人物命运的悲剧色彩。

翻墙看了Youtube上几个海瑟林顿的采访,他的语调平稳,谈到几次生死大劫都说自己很“幸运”,从容地像是在叙述丢了东西、失而复得的经历。“这只是职业的一部分,”他接受PBS电台的采访时说,“你报导完,然后回家、调整,修复在战场上留下的精神创伤,接着就又可以拿起相机了。”以前在卡迪夫念新闻的时候为了写一篇作业,我采访了当时在学校做博士论文的Janet Harris——一名曾在伊拉克随英美联军拍摄纪录片、报道新闻的战地记者。我问她战场上的杀戮和血腥是否会对她的精神产生影响。“我记得第一次看到一个爆炸现场,精神冲击还是很大的。”Janet说,“不过后来就觉得没什么 了,因为随军记者之前要经过一系列培训,这也是我们的职业的一部分。职业的记者会调节好自己的。”


海瑟林顿是因为什么选择了这个职业?钱?他经历过身无分文的窘迫,他面临着图片报导业的寒潮,他这次去利比亚是自费的。刺激?他说话平和沉稳,对生死看得比较超脱。我愿意相信他是因为人道主义的使命感选择这个职业的。我看James Brabazon给《卫报》写的讣告,里面提到海瑟林顿在印度旅行时见过达赖,听过藏经。其它的资料里还说海瑟林顿的另外一个身份是“人权观察”组织的观察员,他在塞拉利昂报导那里因战争而失明的儿童时,曾经把这个问题反映给了“人权观察”,并希望能发明一种类似于布莱叶文的能让盲人“看”的图片。我看他拍摄的那张获得“荷赛”大奖的照片,里面手捧头盔、身着迷彩服的士兵脆弱像是一枚布满裂纹的蛋。


我记得Mark Brayne在卡迪夫大学新闻学院那次演讲里说了这么一句话,“我相信人类文明会因为全球变暖、环境污染、人口等系列问题而在这个世纪终结,但我不会对‘人’丧失希望,因为人道的力量(humanity)不会终结。”



杜然的博客:I'm blinded by blackness.




Ballads for Bad Children

These poems are translated from the ones in Chinese by Bao Huiyi (包慧怡), who called herself Madame Blavatsky. As you can see, her poems contain a celestial mysticism and magical imagination. You can go to her BLOG for more of her original works. Bao Huiyi is also the Chinese translator of Margaret Atwood's Good Bones.

Desert Giant

My dear dearest girl
please don't blame my rudeness
don't blame me
for swallowing you into my chest
without your permission

Calm down and mind your skirt
my gullet is probably damp
and my throat might be dark
just stay calm, don't be panicked

Turn around that curve
and you will see my heart
dry and spacious, burning
white candles give off a lovely scent

For you, my dear
I went to France and swallowed beignets
piled on the table neatly in order

For you, my dear
I went to the East and swallowed the chinaware
containing the nectar of lilies

Of course
I also swallowed many other things my throat resists--
a pair of silk dancing shoes
an ivory harp
a birch forest
and a pond filled
with sweet flag grass
I'd even swallow a little boat
so you could row it adrift
I'd even swallow a swarm of bees
and let them fly about by your hair

My dear, dearest girl
if there is anything I've forgotten
please forgive my short memory
please forever and ever
live in my heart
no turning back or whatsoever
I will be careful and make sure
it'll be a warm and peaceful place like never

My Lovers

My lovers
have always been the same one
tall and walking in hesitancy, none of the others
but always bearing the water zodiac signs
when smoking, his face looks like ceramic in profile
when walking in the sun, he is weightless almost unnoticeable
He wrote poems for me, asked me out on the phone in a low voice
and kissed me only at sunset
He never made decisions, but always kept his ambitions
as fragile as me, we were the best people
He bid me farewell with a smile, caring about me no more ever after
like two friends knowing each other so well

My lover grows a thorn that reaches inwardly
with so many enduring bronze blades
a pair of ebony hands find nowhere to land
his white face can be written on
his white eyelashes blink without an answer
a gloomy heart-beating happens once and for all
I pushed the door open and went out in the morning
the flowers were calm and elegant, silently the dews imploded
the clouds assumed an air of some sort
I thought I was a lovely being then

I thought I could love a different one
I thought I could move on anytime, and leave cape jasmine stems
on my way to gauge the border of the island
stand in the water for a bit when tired
and let the rhinoceros beetle
stand on my eyebrow for a while
I though I could plant those transparent zebras

I thought my heart was huge and grand
I even thought I could finish this song
without being sad

A long train is piercing through my rib cage
but I think I will see it again

I can Still Look at You

I can still look at you
like I've never met you before
also like
we have been in love for so long
a leopard walks out of the moonlight
by the window a basket of jelly fungi is covered in dust
If I love a man
I will only kiss his left cheek
If I'm loved
I only want to be touched on my eyebrows


a little history about today and the past

I was at Jane and Nichola's today last year. It was a starry night and the leafy trees were swaying outside the shimmering bungalow house. I was taking a shower in the bathroom, fumbling in a pile of "woman use" lotions with my eyes covered in hair shampoo. Jane said the tap water in town had been contaminated, but still could be used to clean our contaminated bodies. I found the tub drain was clogged so I bent over to unclog it. A tiny ball of hair was pulled out in a tangle. Judging by the color, I knew they were not mine.

I had just returned to Grahamstown from Queenstown, where I did a whole day's documentary shooting with Asa and Zikhona, two Xhosa girls who kept making fun out of the things they had seen.

"That's the hospital where I was born! " Zikhona shouted when we were waiting for the mini-bus outside Fort Hare. "I can't believe it's still there."

She pointed to a piece of white wooden board which said "Victoria Hospital". As the bus took me away, I saw a sign nailed to a tree on the side of the road: "Abortion is a sin. God will punish you." I had heard that polygamy was a commonplace among the Xhosa people and that unprotected sex was started at an early age by the youths in townships before they even had a good knowledge about AIDs. However, Catholic churches ruled all.

The hot shower did me tremendous good or perhaps it was because I had attempted to use some of Jane and Nichola's beauty products. Mithril, Jane's wolf dog was scratching his itchy part when I came out in my top and short pants. Jane insisted that I use her room for the night. "I'll sleep in the living room. Don't worry, I like sleeping there." Jane said. Her room was tidy with three kinds of decoration: framed photos, light wooden pieces in animal shapes hanging from the ceiling, and a low shelf stacked with books. I recognized Lord of the Rings among them, from where Mithril got his name. A rug was placed before the bed and I smelt a strong scent coming out of it. A dog's smell, by all that my nose could tell. I felt a little bit sorry for Mithril who might have been a regular sleeper in this room.

"...really? Today's Chong Way's birthday?... I see..." Jane was talking on the phone when I came into the light in the living room. "Chong Way," Jane handed the receiver to me with one hand covering the upper end, "Here's a call from Mindy."

I took it over and heard Mindy saying in guilty voice. "Chong Way, I should've told Jane earlier so that she could prepare a cake and some candles for you. I'm sorry that Robert and I can't be with you to celebrate your birthday. I wish you a happy birthday."

"Thank you, Mindy, but it's alright." I scratched my head and said, "I really appreciate that you still remember it. My father could hardly tell the day I was born. It's really OK. My family doesn't have a tradition of observing birthdays."

"Oh, poor Chong Way. " Mindy said, "You deserve a birthday celebration here. Don't worry, Jane will do it for you."

I hung up the phone and found Jane discussing with Nichola.
"Hey, boy, how come you don't tell us today is your birthday?" Nichola said accusingly.
"I didn't realize it until Mindy called me." I said. Obviously the matter was taken far more seriously than I could expect.
"Well I think we've still got a half cake in the fridge. haven't we?" Jane asked.
"Oh, yes. And some candles we had used in the last black-out." Nichola added.
Then both of them giggled.

A couple of minites later, an incomplete cake and some used candles were ready out on the wooden table on the veranda.
"Make a wish, boy." Nichola said after she had lit the candles with a matchstick.
I closed my eyes and palms, and made a wish of God-knows-what. When I was about to blow the candles, Nichola interrupted, "Give it a hard blow, boy. Concentrate and wipe them out once and for all."
I re-inhaled and blew the air out.
"Hurray!" They shouted, and Jane took out a long knife and gave it to me.
"OK, now you need to cut the cake. Remember when knife touches the bottom, you must scream the hell out of you." Nichola said.
"Scream? Really?" I asked doubtfully.
"Yes, Scream, Ahhhh--! Like this." Nichola demonstrated by holding her face in two hands and let out a high-pitched voice.

I slowly slid down the knife through the cake's softness.
"Do you feel it?" Nichola asked tentatively.
"Yes, I think I've touched the bottome."
"Ahhh---!!!" Jane and Nichola screamed, both holding their faces in hands.
"Ahhh---!!!" I joined them with my coarse voice.
We all laughed and finished the cake while sitting on the veranda facing the starry sky. Mithril jumped onto the couch and put his head upon Jane's legs. It was early winter, but the breeze still felt warm.

We chatted and Jane told me her child story when I posed a question about the Afrikaners and British living in South Africa.
"I was about 7 when my family moved from Liverpool to South Africa. My father was an engineer, and to work as an engineer in South Africa, one can make a better life than in Britain in the 70s. I remember the family living next to our door were Afrikaners, but I was too little to know what that means. They had a little girl of my age and we'd often play together. Her mother never saw us playing so everything was OK, until one day she took me into her house. Her mother saw me, and asked me about my family. I told her that we were from Liverpool, that's when she grew furious and shouted 'Out out you go! Do you know my grandparents were killed by you people!' She pushed me out of their house. I was petrified. After that, I and that girl were never allowed to see together."

We kept silent for a while, then I started, "I remember in one of Howard's classes, he said that actually it was the British who invented concentration camp. It was during the Boer War, when the British rounded up the Afrikaners and put them in camps like what the Nazis did to the Jews. Right after Howard said that, a student, who was obviously British if not English, interrupted. 'It can't be true!' He protested, 'The Brits didn't do that.' 'It is true.' Howard said sternly, 'Go to a library, it's all written on the books. There is no need for an arguement on a historical fact, which there is no doubt about.' The student looked very defeated and didn't say anything."

"Yes, I can understand why he was upset." Jane said, with one hand stroking Mithril's head, "I also came to understand why that little girl's mother was so furious after I have learned what happened to them in the past."


“Buon Compleanno!”














The Summer Sun

I dedicate this translation, which probably doesn't do justice to the original one, to Haizi on his Death Anniversay

In summer
If there is no cobbler on this street

I will stand barefoot
under the sun and watch it

Then think of the children born during the day
-- they must have planned it

You come to this world
You should take a look at the sun

and walk on the street
with your beloved one

To understand her
you need to understand the sun

(a group of healthy workers
are smoking cigarettes at midday)

The summer sun
oh, the sun

When Jesus came into this world
he also grew up in the sunshine









I want to take you to my childhood

translated from a Chinese poem by an unkown author
edited by Robert Berold

I want to take you to my childhood
It's neither large nor far away 
(just big enough for two)
and although I was small as a potato
I managed to save many secrets 

one was my cat who lived 
between when I was 7 to 14 years old
she was my best friend
and at times my enemy too
once she bit my pet chick and killed it
but I felt sorry for her when she was injured
and on cold winter nights
I let her crawl into my bed 
we kept each other warm

I liked planting flowers
you really should have seen my China Rose
it grew up higher than the roof of our house
growing without limits,  petals huge and dense 
On summer nights its fragrance 
filtered through the screen window 
making me confuse reality with dream 

The water in the pond was green and plentiful
and when a breeze arose the willow leaves 
would draw ripples on its surface
A shoal of fish would play hide and seek 
with the ducks  
If you want to we could play in the water
don't be afraid --
on a quiet afternoon like this the wild geese 
give way to the flourishing reeds     

I'll take you to eat the elm leaves 
and the flowers of the pagoda tree
we can collect sweet potatoes left behind in the soil 
In autumn the rats' holes were always 
stocked full of corn and beans
and I never disturbed them
(shhh-- mother doesn't know, it's our secret)

My brother had a dark skin
I never disliked it
but when he said my hair was yellowish
and called me Yellow Weasel
I decided to call him Black Dog
You know he was born in the year of dog
but I wasn't born in the year of weasel

I peeped at my sister's diary
and learned about something called love
like a wrinkled skirt it made her mind run wild   
I tried to imagine its shape and scent
It must be far away, I thought,
mysterious like a riddle I could never guess 

I want to take you to my childhood
I mean it
compared with your innocence 
it’s the only thing 
I'm not ashamed to show you













when Matteo is Nicola

If I had a son
I would name him Nicola
Nicola, who sympathizes
who can't tell the difference between the normal and abnormal
                                          between the sane and insane
but who can tell those who suffer
             from those who inflict pains upon the former

If I had two sons
I would name the other one Matteo
because when Matteo is Nicola (and he always wants to be)
he smiles and loves
he covers his face but opens his soul

If I had a daughter
I would name her Giorgia
Giorgia, who blossoms and bends
             like a flower towards the sun
who waters the cactus with orange juice when
             she is mistreated in the best of her youth

but Nicola and Matteo will play music for her
and talk to her until
she unfolds herself again

Surely none of these would happen
Surely if only I were an Italian
I just love the film too much


a poem from W.Z. to X.Y.

where can I find thee?
It is only the start of the alphabet
how can it end with you and me?

U and I, I and U
little by little we can find some more new
not a bad way to start with,  you see?
but how can I make it end with me and you?

In the kingdom of two, U are Q and I am K
like in cards that's Queen and King, two hearts of sunshine ray
and if you like we can make a little j (let's call it Jack)
but how can we sort out the other letters before he grows to be J ?

I know everyone calls you Grace, because you R
grace, and I want to write you a poem in a bar
how about a love poem written in  HTML?
so that our road to the alphabet's end won't be far

But you said NO, a cold N and a bitter O.
You said, Don't let wine spoil your mind and let your love go
just use a human language and I'll be fine
P.S. When can we get to the end that nobody seems to know?

Yes, yes, you are right, wine is no good, that's true.
But don't you see the letters we've been through?
You just picked out 4, so 21 letters are gone.
The flag of V is flying over the kingdom of two.

Hold my hand, here we come to the end: WXYZ
There you are, W-X-Y-Z
interlocked initials of the king and queen
now the alphabet is complete with you inside me


Mr. King

The pictures of Mr. King are drawn by 扫把(Besom), who is an illustrator and picture book writer based in Chongqing, China. I translated the Chinese into English and applied it to the original pictures. Thank Besom for her kindness to let me share this imaginative story told in her beautiful drawings on my blog.

For more illustrations done by Besom, please go to her Douban album.


