出处:Alan Rosenthal. "Staying Alive", an article from New Challenges for Documentary eidted by him and John Corner.
Co-financing Forum in Amsterdam (IDFA):每年在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹举办。它也有一些对独立纪录片制作人的资助项目。其中有一个针对发展中国家的Jan Vrijman基金项目(JVF)。
International Documentary Association (IDA):见下。
Hot Docs:加拿大国际纪录片电影节。影展期间有纪录片交易大会。
RealScreen: 位于加拿大多伦多的一本杂志,双月刊。侧重于北美市场(如Discovery)。有很多业界动态的最新信息。电子版pdf浏览。
International Documentary:出版方是一个叫International Documentary Association的扶持纪录片制的作非营利组织,位于美国的洛杉矶。它有一个fiscal sponsorship的项目,旨在帮助独立纪录片制作人募集资金,同时它还提供各种愿意赞助纪录片制作的基金、组织的信息。
AIVF (Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers): 一个专注于独立纪录片的非营利组织。网站上有很多给独立纪录片制作者的建议和指导。
You employ stone, wood and concrete, and with these materials you build houses and palaces. That is construction. Ingenuity is at work.
But suddenly you touch my heart, you do me good, I am happy and I say: "This is beautiful." That is Architecture. Art enters in.
My house is practical. I thank you, as I might thank Railway engineers, or the Telephone service. You have not touched my heart.
But suppose that walls rise towards heaven in such o way that I am moved. I perceive your intentions. Your mood has been gentle, brutal, charming or noble. The stones you have erected tell me so.
You fix me to the place and my eyes regard it. They behold something which expresses a thought. A thought which reveals itself without word or sound, but solely by means of shapes which stand in a certain relationship to one another. These shapes are such that they are clearly revealed in light. The relationships between them have not necessarily any reference to what is practical or descriptive. They are a mathematical creation of your mind. They are the Language of Architecture. By the use of raw materials and starting from conditions more or less utilitarian, you have established certain relationships which have aroused my emotions.
This is Architecture.
-- 勒·柯布西耶,Towards a New Architecture (translated from French by Frederick Etchells), Architectural Press
* 在學校圖書館搜索圖書的時候,按照作者姓氏檢索,輸入corbusier,查詢結果竟然是0。上wiki找到了柯布西耶的原名,輸進去,結果還是0。無奈,只好輸入其中一本書名,顯示的結果裏不僅有這本書,還有作者的名字le corbusier。難道le corbusier是作為整個姓氏的?輸入le corbusier,唰——滿屏都是他的書。
But suddenly you touch my heart, you do me good, I am happy and I say: "This is beautiful." That is Architecture. Art enters in.
My house is practical. I thank you, as I might thank Railway engineers, or the Telephone service. You have not touched my heart.
But suppose that walls rise towards heaven in such o way that I am moved. I perceive your intentions. Your mood has been gentle, brutal, charming or noble. The stones you have erected tell me so.
You fix me to the place and my eyes regard it. They behold something which expresses a thought. A thought which reveals itself without word or sound, but solely by means of shapes which stand in a certain relationship to one another. These shapes are such that they are clearly revealed in light. The relationships between them have not necessarily any reference to what is practical or descriptive. They are a mathematical creation of your mind. They are the Language of Architecture. By the use of raw materials and starting from conditions more or less utilitarian, you have established certain relationships which have aroused my emotions.
This is Architecture.
-- 勒·柯布西耶,Towards a New Architecture (translated from French by Frederick Etchells), Architectural Press
* 在學校圖書館搜索圖書的時候,按照作者姓氏檢索,輸入corbusier,查詢結果竟然是0。上wiki找到了柯布西耶的原名,輸進去,結果還是0。無奈,只好輸入其中一本書名,顯示的結果裏不僅有這本書,還有作者的名字le corbusier。難道le corbusier是作為整個姓氏的?輸入le corbusier,唰——滿屏都是他的書。
le corbusier
-- 經簡化--> 后
-- 經簡化--> 游
幹:幹活、幹你老母 -- 經簡化-->干
-- 經簡化--> 发
* 發簡化為发見1935年中華民國推行的《第一批簡體字表》,但次年初改革就暫緩推行了
-- 經簡化--> 历
-- 經簡化--> 云
-- 經簡化--> 面
-- 經簡化--> 里
-- 經簡化--> 谷
-- 經簡化-->只
-- 經簡化--> 后
-- 經簡化--> 游
幹:幹活、幹你老母 -- 經簡化-->干
-- 經簡化--> 发
* 發簡化為发見1935年中華民國推行的《第一批簡體字表》,但次年初改革就暫緩推行了
-- 經簡化--> 历
-- 經簡化--> 云
-- 經簡化--> 面
-- 經簡化--> 里
-- 經簡化--> 谷
-- 經簡化-->只
從前有個姓鄭的小哥在威爾士的卡迪夫留學,有一天他去離住處不遠的Maindy Pool游泳。
Maindy Pool是游泳館的名字,因為它在Maindy路上。游泳館裏面分男女更衣室,互不相通。但游泳池是男女共用的,池子裏有男有女,有老有少,還有不少父親或母親是帶著自己的小孩一起來的。有些小孩還只是娃娃,圓滾滾、胖嘟嘟的,像一顆顆白白嫩嫩的娃娃菜,必須套著氣墊、大人一邊陪護才行。
"Don't jump. It's slippery."爸爸拉住女娃娃的手,要她停下來。
"Sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea to bring your daughter here."姓鄭小哥開口說話了。他有些害臊,也有些慍怒,因為游泳館的工作人員——另一名小哥——就在一旁拿著皮管子沖洗更衣室。
"Now, Daddy is gonna take you to see Andy."爸爸自己換上衣服後,抱起女兒出了更衣室的門。
姓鄭的小哥有些暈乎乎,他不解地問一旁冲地的游泳館小哥,"Is it all right for fathers to bring their daughters to the changing room?"
"Oh, yes."游泳館小哥抬起頭,望著姓鄭小哥說,"if the children are under 6, parents can bring them to the oppposite-sex changing room."看到姓鄭小哥困惑的眼神,游泳館小哥繼續道,"because there are single fathers and mothers. The kids are too little to leave them alone in the room to change themselves. It's just for security reason."
Maindy Pool是游泳館的名字,因為它在Maindy路上。游泳館裏面分男女更衣室,互不相通。但游泳池是男女共用的,池子裏有男有女,有老有少,還有不少父親或母親是帶著自己的小孩一起來的。有些小孩還只是娃娃,圓滾滾、胖嘟嘟的,像一顆顆白白嫩嫩的娃娃菜,必須套著氣墊、大人一邊陪護才行。
"Don't jump. It's slippery."爸爸拉住女娃娃的手,要她停下來。
"Sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea to bring your daughter here."姓鄭小哥開口說話了。他有些害臊,也有些慍怒,因為游泳館的工作人員——另一名小哥——就在一旁拿著皮管子沖洗更衣室。
"Now, Daddy is gonna take you to see Andy."爸爸自己換上衣服後,抱起女兒出了更衣室的門。
姓鄭的小哥有些暈乎乎,他不解地問一旁冲地的游泳館小哥,"Is it all right for fathers to bring their daughters to the changing room?"
"Oh, yes."游泳館小哥抬起頭,望著姓鄭小哥說,"if the children are under 6, parents can bring them to the oppposite-sex changing room."看到姓鄭小哥困惑的眼神,游泳館小哥繼續道,"because there are single fathers and mothers. The kids are too little to leave them alone in the room to change themselves. It's just for security reason."
Ji Zhaohua and His Drawings
This article is written by Lao Liu, nickname of Zhang Lixian (张立宪), editor of Book Reservoir (读库, Duku) . You can read the original article on his blog. I translated some parts of it into English.
Eleven years ago when I was working for a magazine, a little boy would often come to our house to hang around and see what we were doing. If there was an article that needed illustrations, he would pick up a sheet of paper by hand and draw the pictures for us.
That little boy is called Ji Zhaohua (姬炤华). Eleven years later, he contacted me. He has got a family and career, and become Mr. Ji.
We had that reunion which came after eleven years through emails. I had a feeling from our correspondence that he was calm and peaceful, sturbbon and straightforward, with an air of old-fashioned manner . He was no longer the little boy eleven years ago indeed.
He contacted me for the matter of his teacher's manuscript. I asked him how his career as an illustrator was. He replied that he hadn't published comic drawings for many years, and that he wasn't optimistic about this field in China. He only attended international competitions occasionally and had done alright.
For these recent years, Ji Zhaohua and his wife have beeing exploring in children's literature. They write as well as draw ilustrations for some publishing houses in Taiwan. In March 2008, their first drawing book No! That's Wrong was published in the USA. The frist edition of that book has been sold out. Now they are working on their second book.
I asked him to draw bookplates (ex-libris) for Book Reservoir, and he sent me a couple of drawings he had done before, each of which was of different style. I picked one and used it in the 0803 issue of Book Reservoir.
Soon after the New Year of 2009, I received an e-mail from Ji Zhaohua. In it was a new bookplate dedicated to Book Reservoir. A pile of books fell off his hands when a poor intellectual was moving them. The page of one falling book was transparent, which reflected the man's sleeve like a glass, in which the sleeve was brand new and decorated with beatiful patterns. The illustration was both classic and surreal.
The technique he used in that drawing was fine and meticulous strokes which can be found in traditional Gongbi. The paper he used was handmade watercolour paper made in Britain. "The drawing is sort of a combination of Sino-Western elements. The surface of the paper is not smooth, which gives it a fantastic texture. Drawing on it has a quality of fresco." explained Ji Zhaohua.
I was so fond of it that I phoned him and asked him if he could make the bookplates a series, so that I could use them for this year's 6 issues of Book Reservoir.
He said yes.
A friend in Shanghai wanted to introduce Zhang Dachun's novels into Peopel's Republic of China, and she needed some one who could do the illustrations for them. I recommened Ji Zhaohua to her, and showed her that drawing. It is so vivid as if the person was alive. She praised
Later I phoned Ji Zhaohua and asked him if he was interested. Please give me some time to think about it. He answerd.
The next day he replied, Can I drop it? I just have the fear that too many tasks could reduce the quality of my drawings.
I passed on his reply to my friend, who said, I really hope he can be an established figure in drawing some day. He's very careful about what he should not do. I really admire that.
* To see more drawings by Ji Zhaohua, you can go to his blog: 黑云翻墨未遮山
Caesar kicked away a bundle of maps, shouting: "More!" Within a blink, millions of lives turned into white bones. From that moment on, things on that land, underneath which lied the wrongly smitten souls, were changed: ethnics, langauges, words, architecture, painting, music... such a change is upside-down and irrevocable. Today, we call the result of that change "tradition", and the process of that change "merging".
Eleven years ago when I was working for a magazine, a little boy would often come to our house to hang around and see what we were doing. If there was an article that needed illustrations, he would pick up a sheet of paper by hand and draw the pictures for us.
That little boy is called Ji Zhaohua (姬炤华). Eleven years later, he contacted me. He has got a family and career, and become Mr. Ji.
We had that reunion which came after eleven years through emails. I had a feeling from our correspondence that he was calm and peaceful, sturbbon and straightforward, with an air of old-fashioned manner . He was no longer the little boy eleven years ago indeed.
He contacted me for the matter of his teacher's manuscript. I asked him how his career as an illustrator was. He replied that he hadn't published comic drawings for many years, and that he wasn't optimistic about this field in China. He only attended international competitions occasionally and had done alright.
For these recent years, Ji Zhaohua and his wife have beeing exploring in children's literature. They write as well as draw ilustrations for some publishing houses in Taiwan. In March 2008, their first drawing book No! That's Wrong was published in the USA. The frist edition of that book has been sold out. Now they are working on their second book.
I asked him to draw bookplates (ex-libris) for Book Reservoir, and he sent me a couple of drawings he had done before, each of which was of different style. I picked one and used it in the 0803 issue of Book Reservoir.
Soon after the New Year of 2009, I received an e-mail from Ji Zhaohua. In it was a new bookplate dedicated to Book Reservoir. A pile of books fell off his hands when a poor intellectual was moving them. The page of one falling book was transparent, which reflected the man's sleeve like a glass, in which the sleeve was brand new and decorated with beatiful patterns. The illustration was both classic and surreal.
The technique he used in that drawing was fine and meticulous strokes which can be found in traditional Gongbi. The paper he used was handmade watercolour paper made in Britain. "The drawing is sort of a combination of Sino-Western elements. The surface of the paper is not smooth, which gives it a fantastic texture. Drawing on it has a quality of fresco." explained Ji Zhaohua.
I was so fond of it that I phoned him and asked him if he could make the bookplates a series, so that I could use them for this year's 6 issues of Book Reservoir.
He said yes.
A friend in Shanghai wanted to introduce Zhang Dachun's novels into Peopel's Republic of China, and she needed some one who could do the illustrations for them. I recommened Ji Zhaohua to her, and showed her that drawing. It is so vivid as if the person was alive. She praised
Later I phoned Ji Zhaohua and asked him if he was interested. Please give me some time to think about it. He answerd.
The next day he replied, Can I drop it? I just have the fear that too many tasks could reduce the quality of my drawings.
I passed on his reply to my friend, who said, I really hope he can be an established figure in drawing some day. He's very careful about what he should not do. I really admire that.
* To see more drawings by Ji Zhaohua, you can go to his blog: 黑云翻墨未遮山
Bookplate for the 0905 issue of Book Reservoir
Caesar kicked away a bundle of maps, shouting: "More!" Within a blink, millions of lives turned into white bones. From that moment on, things on that land, underneath which lied the wrongly smitten souls, were changed: ethnics, langauges, words, architecture, painting, music... such a change is upside-down and irrevocable. Today, we call the result of that change "tradition", and the process of that change "merging".
News-Knight and His One-Man's Newspaper
To define journalism is as impossible as to define a person. But be it print journalism or on-line journalism, be it press journalism or citizen journalism, they all have one thing in common: truth. The path to journalism is the path to truth.
-- Zhai Minglei (翟明磊)
"I hereby resign as a journalist of South Weekend. For the past three years, I have never used South Weekend as a tool to build my own fortune, or promote myself to a higher position. I came here for journalism. Now I'm leaving also for journalism. "
On August 17, 2003, Zhai Minglei wrote this resignation letter to the Board of Editors of South Weekend, reportedly the biggest weekly newspaper and probably the most influential and critical newspaper in China. Zhai Minglei was 30 years old then, a golden age for a journalist. Before the resignation, his coverage of the fraudulent letters found in the Hope Project [1] was awarded the 10 best national news in 2001, the only awarded news published by South Weekend; his story which unravelled the myths around China's national treasure sold at auction gained international attention in 2002; later, Zhai Minglei caused national sensations with his stories about an innocent girl who was framed for prostituting, a charity school trying hard to fulfill its ideal of education, and government's monopoly over the sale of condoms. His investigative pieces into the scandal of Shanghai Jiaotong University's student recruitment, and a poisoning case in Nanjing, were thought highly by his peer journalists and the readers. Why, then, would an emerging star resign from such a promising career?
"It was insufferable to see your story be killed because it criticized the local government. It was an insult to the journalists who had made great efforts to write the story, and an insult to the integrity of journalism." Zhai Minglei explained in his resignation letter, "I had never seen such a thing happen in South Weekend before , and it was more than I could bear. "
The aborted story aforementioned was about the government's insufficient protection of Mingxiao Mausoleum, a royal cemetery of Ming Dynasty, in Nanjing. His colleagues had prepared for the story to be printed on the newspaper, but the new Chief Editor ordered it to be taken off for the reason that the news had targeted at the municipal authorities. Zhai Minglei protested. Then he was suspended. At last, he resigned.
"I hate to work in an environment where the news room was like bureaucratic institute and where news was not about truth. I must leave because I'm a knight of news." When recalling this incident, Zhai Minglei didn't seem to be reminiscent of the "glorious" time he had at South Weekend, "I'm not a nostalgic person. Past is dead history. When I look at that past, I was as if reading another person's story. Some people might sigh and say to me, 'What a pity. You should have dealt with it in a strategic way instead of confronting the newspaper and resigning.' It is a rational saying, but I'm an individualist. I can't just bend myself and play by the unfair rules."
Born in 1973, Zhai Minglei lived through the last 3 years of Cultural Revolution in his childhood. It was a time when the craziness of the country was waning, new thoughts were blooming and the first one-child generation was formed. The whole period of 1980s-- before the students' demonstration and government's crack-down on them in Tian'anmen Square in 1989-- was free, a time of "Enlightenment". Universities were permeated with liberated minds and freedom. Students would have dance party after class. Posters of different political views could be seen on the walls on campus. "I studied journalism at university, but I didn't spend much time in studying. I even sold my text books for beer because all that was written in the text books could be summarized in one sentence: do journalism under the party committee." Although learning little from the books, Zhai Minglei launched a newspaper for his class, called Mirror. He also went to the Department of Chinese Language, and published an article by his schoolmate "Reflection on Cultural Revolution". The school later order it to be removed. Upon graduation, he wrote "The Forth Power in the United States" as his dissertation, but no teacher wanted to grade it. "Individualism is rooted in my nature." said Zhai Minglei. "I studied little at university, but I developed my character, which always views the individual above everything."
After leaving college, Zhai Minglei didn't actually want to choose journalism as his career. However, he slowly realized that he couldn't fight against his nature. "I'm a freedom-lover, and a truth-teller. I'm full of curiosity and energy. So I ended up being a journalist soon after that because it suited me."
However, when submiting his resignation letter, Zhai Minglei had made his mind that he would not work for any press organization any more. There were two things he had learned from his work experiences: for a young man, if he wants to make some achievements, he must do it outside the "box"; and he must do it by starting with the little things.
Jumping out of the "box", Zhai Minglei established an NGO group Green Root Power together with his friends in 2003. "I didn't simply want to be a critic or challenger of the authorities. I also wanted to be a builder, to build citizenship in our society." The group was funded on the 80,000 yuan Zhai Minglei and his three other friends gave out. Their job was to train people how to do social work. Group members came from all walks of life. Zhai Minglei thought that by staying away from government and politics-- because it was "non-governmental"-- he could gain more freedom and do more things at a civil level. However, his training classes were under the police's supervision. Secret police followed their whereabouts, and even invited Zhai Minglei for "a cup of tea [2]". In 2005, Green Root Power was banned.
Nonetheless, Zhai Minglei didn't stop his effort in raising civil awareness among the grassroots and realizing his individualism. In that year, with the help from Sun Yat-Sen University, he launched the magazine Civil (民间). He was the chief editor and coordinator. "I could write any story I wanted because the magazine was independent and non-profit. It allowed me to interview the most ordinary people whose stories I had overlooked when I worked for the newspaper." As its name indicates, the magazine was all about the civil activities in China. Zhai Minglei wrote stories about young volunteers teaching in the village, about lawyers offering help to poor people, about animal activists trying to save bears from people's inhumane treatment. Again, the magazine got on the authorities' nerves. After several warnings and attempted suppressions, on November 29, 2007, police came into Zhai Minglei's home in Shanghai, searched his house, confiscated all the copies of the magazine, and took away the hard-drive from his computer. The two-year old magazine was officially claimed dead. "When I was involved in Green Root Poewr and Civil, I actually wanted to evade politics. But then I said to myself, Can I just report civil society and events of public interests? As it turns out-- No. Anything can go wrong when there is no democracy but dictatorship. No one can evade politics. One must have political awareness unless he wants to separates himself from civil life."
Right after the magazine was banned, Zhai Minglei decided to launch his own newspaper. "I didn't want to bring trouble to my friends any more. So I said, OK, I'm going to take the responsibilities on my own." He created a personal blog as an on-line newspaper-- "1bao", meaning One-Man's Newspaper, and became a citizen journalist. "1bao" carries on the style of the magazine Civil. It continues to focus on the ordinary people, whose voices are rarely heard or silenced. In its first edition, Zhai Minglei wrote on his "newspaper":
What China lacks is a healthy individualism. Therefore, "1bao" will be a medium of individualism. It may have prejudices or even arbitrariness, but it will never have lies.
When asked what significance it makes to be a citizen journalist under the harsh political situation in China, Zhai Minglei said what he feared was not the one-party dictatorship, nor the lack of democracy, but the declining pursuit of civil justice and civil morality. "I can't see that happen to our civil life. If nobody pursues those things, if nobody tells the truth, our country will die out." But three months after its launching, "1bao" was blocked in China. Although he has a mirror page of "1bao" on www.my1510.cn, the biggset platform of China's citizen journalists, Zhai Minglei still saw pieces of his news removed from the website because they didn't pass the censorship. How could he practise citizen journalism and spread his civil ideas then, when many people in China have no direct access to his blog and news on the mirror page is under censorship? "So long as a citizen journalist finds the topics of public interests and issues that people really care about, blockade or censorship won't be a problem. I remember once I wrote about Robert's Rules of Order on '1bao'. Surprisingly, a community civil rights activist contacted me and asked me for more means to break the blockade. I was so happy. When my articles are deleted from the website, I would try every way to break through, like when my story of Xu Zhiyong [3] was removed, I used docs.google.com to disseminate the artilce. I even put on free ads of google's tool to let more people know. A citizen journalist is totally dependent on himself. He writes what the mainstream media don't write, which proves that China has individuals. As long as individuals survive, we can make it, because the seeds of hope are sown in people's hearts."
But Zhai Minglei confessed that he was not always that upbeat. Sometimes he would also be hopeless and speechless, and stop updating his blog for weeks. His fear was mostly from the police's abusive use of power. "After I was questioned by the police for the first time, I was so paranoid that I would check the windows and door time after time at home." That's why Zhai Minglei wants to introduce citizen journalism to more people and make them join him. He compares every single citizen journalist to a wave. When enough waves are converging, the sea will emerge. That's when changes happen. "It's not complicated to practise citizen journalism. Everybody who wants to tell truth can do it. "
However, citizen journalism is different from press journalism. Sometimes simply the difference in names means difficulty. As a citizen journalist, Zhai Minglei is denied of interviews with government officials more than when he worked for South Weekend. "But I keep on trying. I offer the opportunity and my honesty to them. Identity isn't that important. Even if you are a student, tell them who you are. They might accept your interview request. Not all the interviewees judge you by whether you're useful to them or not." Sometimes the difference means flexibility. In the September of 2007, the local government in Longquan issued a notice to the farmers that their farmland would be taken back by the government together with their crops that were ready for harvest. Tension was increasingly high between two sides, and a conflict was on the edge of break. "1bao" then played as a participant in that incident when Zhai Minglei was following the story. He helped two sides arrive at negotiation. A bloody conflict was prevented from happening. "I think a citizen journalist should also be a participant in our civil life." commented Zhai Minglei, "In that sense, a citizen journalist changes the traditional understanding of a journalist."
But how can a citizen journalist tell a truthful story while he plays a role in it? "Avoid being tangled in the different groups of interests." said Zhai Minglei. "When I was reporting in Longquan, I paid for all my travels and accommodations. Although I was in a poor financial state, I must pay these fees myself. Only by doing so could it be possible for me to report objectively. Also because of my noninterested stance, both the government and farmers trusted me." Touching upon the money issue, I asked Zhai Minglei how he managed to handle it while working for his own newspaper. "I don't make money from my blog. It's just something I enjoy doing. I earn money from short-term jobs. I have academic contract with Hong Kong University, and I'm also a guest lecturer at South China Normal University. Other incomes are from writing and training programme."
As Zhai Minglei describes himself, he is a very simple person who lives a simple life. "I'm not an ambitious man who wants to make history, neither am I a decisive or calculating person. Every time I speak out because I can't keep it to myself-- I must say it. I act simply out of a citizen's conscience. I reported the news and I felt I did justice to my moral sense. When my stories get down to the readers, my mission is completed."

*Interview with Zhai Minglei conducted by Danwei: Youtube Video
[1] Project Hope (希望工程) is a Chinese public service project organized by the China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF) and the Communist Youth League (CYL) Central Committee. Started in October 30 1989, it aims to bring schools into poverty-stricken rural areas of China, to help children whose families are too poor to afford it to complete elementary school education.
[2] "to have a cup of tea" (喝茶) is a Chinese euphemism for secret police's interrogation.
[3] Xu Zhiyong (许志永) is a lecturer at the Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications. He was one of the founders of the NGO Open Constitution Initiative and an active rights lawyer in China who helped those underprivileged. In 2009, July 29, he was arrested at his home, and detained by Chinese authorities on charges of tax evasion.
An Innocent Poem
The poem is originally titled Me and Woman, which is addressed in the first person (I/me), written by Yang Haisang (杨海桑). I came across the adapted version of the poem in Lao Liu's blog, adapted in a sense that the first person is changed into Man. The poem is said to be a perfect choice to read at a wedding ceremony. I translated it into English as follows:
Man and Woman
Man likes woman, man likes
to see woman
Man sees good in a good woman,
which turns his heart into a river of kindness
Every woman is a lovely thing
If God nods, she can
grow a lovely face, bear a lovely name and have a lovely voice
because she comes into the world
not to live, but to have a story
completed-- silently, to have it unfolded in her
She doesn't need the whole world, she only needs a man
who sees her and utters her name
Man knows that he comes from a woman
and between him and a woman
there lies the most innocent thing
When a man sees a hundred or a thousand women grow in beauty
he only hugs one, kisses her and marries her
what a romantic thing it is
simply to think of it makes me happy
男人和女人 (摘自老六的博客)
所以 男人看见一百个一千个女人美好地生长
Man and Woman
Man likes woman, man likes
to see woman
Man sees good in a good woman,
which turns his heart into a river of kindness
Every woman is a lovely thing
If God nods, she can
grow a lovely face, bear a lovely name and have a lovely voice
because she comes into the world
not to live, but to have a story
completed-- silently, to have it unfolded in her
She doesn't need the whole world, she only needs a man
who sees her and utters her name
Man knows that he comes from a woman
and between him and a woman
there lies the most innocent thing
When a man sees a hundred or a thousand women grow in beauty
he only hugs one, kisses her and marries her
what a romantic thing it is
simply to think of it makes me happy
男人和女人 (摘自老六的博客)
所以 男人看见一百个一千个女人美好地生长
萨宾——没有娜——是住楼下的博士生,德国人。说起德国队,她一直用enjoy这个词,“他们是在享受(enjoy)比赛啊。你看穆勒、厄齐尔踢球,真是在玩游戏(enjoy the game),我特别喜欢这种状态。”
萨宾——没有娜——是住楼下的博士生,德国人。说起德国队,她一直用enjoy这个词,“他们是在享受(enjoy)比赛啊。你看穆勒、厄齐尔踢球,真是在玩游戏(enjoy the game),我特别喜欢这种状态。”
我已经在这片街区住了9个月了,可还是分不清那些街道和街道两旁的房子。这里跟U2的那首歌正好相反——it's where the streets do have names。这里的路大多取自于人名:罗伯特、弗洛伦蒂娜、布鲁斯、斯班瑟、范妮,但是他们长着千篇一律的面孔:连成片的房子一户挨着一户,颜色、门窗的尺寸和屋子造型都像是遵循了一个标准,唯一能区别它们的是门牌号上的数字以及住久之后的直觉。
我大致能体会清苦的家庭出身会让人对金钱有一种强烈的渴望,更何况金钱、权力这一类东西的魔力是不分阶级、肤色和种族的。但劳动阶级这四个字——确切的说是working class这个词——一开始也让我将戴夫与另外一些词发生了联系:勤俭、持家、善于家务。
戴夫早晨洗完澡,便去体操房健身。他现在是学校橄榄球队的队员,一个月之后是校际比赛,为此他还特地买来了蛋白质冲剂(protein shake)给自己长肌肉。“这玩意儿用牛奶泡,吃起来特别恶心。我眼一闭,嘴一张,咕咚一口就吞下去。”我来英国后一直很纳闷的一点是,为什么很多人那么不正经吃饭还能长那么大个?见到很多胖姑娘,也没见她们怎么吃一日三餐,很多时候一包薯片就是一顿中饭,但一身的赘肉就像是给肉联厂打的广告。戴夫的身体自然健壮,毕竟每天往健身房跑,但他的主食基本就是超市买的现成的牛肉汉堡,拿回家放烤炉一烤,就对付了。刚搬来这里的第二天,戴夫专门回到旧所给一个同住的哥们儿告别。“他人特别好,每回煮东西都给我留一份。”我来这里两个礼拜,有三回晚饭也给他“留了一份”,他高兴地直夸我人好。我问他为什么不自己煮饭呢,挺简单的一件事情,特别是你们英国人,开水里滋一下就能吃。“我妈不让我学。”戴夫回答说,“小时候去厨房做,她就说这也不对,那也不对,后来干脆就让我站一旁看了。”可现在你妈不在身边,你不是有煮饭的自由了?“从超市买省事嘛。”考虑原先认识的Mark还有宿舍楼上的另一个美国小哥也都是劳动阶级出身,但都是耍刀弄锅的好手,于是我对这样一个劳动阶级出身的英国小哥着实另眼相待。
我已经在这片街区住了9个月了,可还是分不清那些街道和街道两旁的房子。这里跟U2的那首歌正好相反——it's where the streets do have names。这里的路大多取自于人名:罗伯特、弗洛伦蒂娜、布鲁斯、斯班瑟、范妮,但是他们长着千篇一律的面孔:连成片的房子一户挨着一户,颜色、门窗的尺寸和屋子造型都像是遵循了一个标准,唯一能区别它们的是门牌号上的数字以及住久之后的直觉。
我大致能体会清苦的家庭出身会让人对金钱有一种强烈的渴望,更何况金钱、权力这一类东西的魔力是不分阶级、肤色和种族的。但劳动阶级这四个字——确切的说是working class这个词——一开始也让我将戴夫与另外一些词发生了联系:勤俭、持家、善于家务。
戴夫早晨洗完澡,便去体操房健身。他现在是学校橄榄球队的队员,一个月之后是校际比赛,为此他还特地买来了蛋白质冲剂(protein shake)给自己长肌肉。“这玩意儿用牛奶泡,吃起来特别恶心。我眼一闭,嘴一张,咕咚一口就吞下去。”我来英国后一直很纳闷的一点是,为什么很多人那么不正经吃饭还能长那么大个?见到很多胖姑娘,也没见她们怎么吃一日三餐,很多时候一包薯片就是一顿中饭,但一身的赘肉就像是给肉联厂打的广告。戴夫的身体自然健壮,毕竟每天往健身房跑,但他的主食基本就是超市买的现成的牛肉汉堡,拿回家放烤炉一烤,就对付了。刚搬来这里的第二天,戴夫专门回到旧所给一个同住的哥们儿告别。“他人特别好,每回煮东西都给我留一份。”我来这里两个礼拜,有三回晚饭也给他“留了一份”,他高兴地直夸我人好。我问他为什么不自己煮饭呢,挺简单的一件事情,特别是你们英国人,开水里滋一下就能吃。“我妈不让我学。”戴夫回答说,“小时候去厨房做,她就说这也不对,那也不对,后来干脆就让我站一旁看了。”可现在你妈不在身边,你不是有煮饭的自由了?“从超市买省事嘛。”考虑原先认识的Mark还有宿舍楼上的另一个美国小哥也都是劳动阶级出身,但都是耍刀弄锅的好手,于是我对这样一个劳动阶级出身的英国小哥着实另眼相待。
博文 (Atom)