The original story is written by Guo Yukuan. Translated by me, edited by Robert Berold.
I went to the village to do field research with the local CCPPCC (Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) and friends from the Poverty Alleviation bureau. My initial research objective was to get an idea of how the 'forest restoration from farmland' project was going. When I was in Qunming, people told me that there were quite a few bewitched pseudo-religious cult followers who deliberately acted against the government. After having arrived in Wuding, the local people told me that there were many disciples of this 'off-mainstream religion', and that they were very stubborn. However, most of the local people said those 'off-mainstream religion' followers were not bad people, for they didn't do anything bad; they are just too obstinate to change their minds when they ought to, and some people call them 'nutters'.
This intrigued me greatly. People told me about the nutters' glorious achievements, which,on first hearing, were hard to believe. According to one story, the provincial governor took charge of some of impoverished ethnic villages in the deep forest in order to alleviate poverty there, but the nutters didn't cooperate. They didn't want to develop the economy. They never set foot on the roads that the government built. They never drank a drop of the tap water that the government installed at their homes, instead, they carried on as before, walking down the hill and carrying water up on their shoulders. That reminded me of the Amish people in the US.
Early in the morning we left Wuding by jeep. For about one and half an hour we were bumping along a muddy road. Finally we came to a place called "Leech Bamboo". It was a Miao ethnic village on the top of a mountain. Its name reminded us of the idiom "poor mountain and devilish water". The conditions for irrigation there were poor indeed. The only cropland was on the top, and even there one could only grow some wheat and barley at the mercy of weather. There were no tall trees except for some dwarf pines only as high as a child.
Obviously, the "forest restoration from farmland" project hadn't brought any benefit to the village. It was hard to imagine why would people choose such a place to live. How did they manage to make a living? I thought about how this related to the name of "Wuding" (meaning "peace after military suppression"), and I guessed that these people were the descendants of the Miao, who, after military suppression after being defeated in the historical war with the Han, were forced into the deep forest.
In "Leech Bamboo", I met the legendary leader of the "off-mainstream religion" Zhang Zhimin. Friends from the local Chinese Christian church (full name Chinese Christian Church Three-self Protestant Movement, a government-controlled church) called Zhang and his people "heaven-attained", for they claimed to have realized the heaven on earth. Compared with those who described it as a pseudo-religious cult, this nickname was not vicious, perhaps just a little derisive. The official statistics by the government said there were 51 "heaven-attained" members, but the actual number was larger. Since Zhang Zhimin had a reputation for his indifference to officials from outside, my friends were not sure whether he was willing to talk to me or not.
The moment I saw him working in the field, I was quite shocked. He was small, dark-skinned and thin. He looked like a man with many stories. Although covered in tattered clothes, he had an air of dignity and decency. He rubbed his hands against his clothes, and shook hands with me humbly, but he sized me up as if he was my superior. He stared at me for about half a minute, and asked me before I even said anything: 'What is it you want to know?' Then he said, 'Follow me.'
He led me to a flat area on the top of the hill. We sat down on the ground. The village director, Zhang Zhihui and my friends from the government all sat down 7 or 8 meters away. Zhang Zhimin didn't regard himself as a religious leader, but apparently the villagers all respected him. The village director was as humble as a student in front of him.
Zhang had great confidence in his religious belief. Despite never having been to school, and being so illiterate that he could not even write his own name, he had learned the Bible mainly by letting people read it to him. He had memorized the Bible on first hearing and he had an outstanding ability to recite and chant it paragraph by paragraph.
We chatted for about 2 hours. I had to admit that after talking with him, I wouldn't call him a "nutter" any more. Rather, I had full respect for him. Though he had received little education, Zhang had the compassion of Martin Luther, and was something of an intellectual genius.
Later my friend who was there with me told me in privacy that they had met Zhang Zhimin many times, and always thought he was just a crazy old man, but today he had heard Zhang talk more sensibly than he had ever heard before.
Guo: I've heard that you call yourself a Christian, but at the same time you don't recognize the authority of the Chinese Christian Church. How could it be? When did all this start?
Zhang: I've been a Christian since I was a little boy. During the Cultural Revolution, all the Christians here were oppressed. But later we could show our belief in public. Since the 1980s, I started studying history, astronomy and geography all by myself and formed some thoughts of my own. Then I gradually distanced myself from the Chinese Christian Church because of my different views.
Guo: What is the fundamental difference between your view and the view of the Chinese Christian Church?
Zhang: Some of their views seem like superstition. I don't think there is a heaven up in the sky. Heaven is built by people. I believe Jesus Christ was born on earth. He was a human being just as we are. He was enlightened, but he was not sent by God. And I don't think what's said in the Bible is true in real life, like "the moon shall fade; the sun shall fall". I don't think this is what the Bible was about originally. Also the claim that man will be resurrected, that doesn't make sense. If people resurrected, the earth would be overpopulated.
Guo: But isn't it contradictory that on the one hand, you call yourself a christian, but on the other, you doubt the Bible?
Zhang: I studied the Bible for its philosophical, scientific and spiritual sense. I understand the Bible, while those who claim they can recite the Bible word by word don't understand it at all. Several years ago, the Chinese Christian Church organized for us to visit them. They did this with the best intention, because they thought that we had lived in the mountains too long to know what was going on in the outside world, where there were many high buildings that I'd never seen in my life. In Shanghai, I met a theology professor. But I don't think many of his interpretations of the Bible were profound. He told me that the christian heaven is more glorious than the most beautiful country in the world. I didn't contradict him, but I knew he was wrong even he was a professor in a high position.
Guo: Everybody has his own understanding of the Christianity. Everybody may have a god of his own. Why did you have to separate yourself from the Chinese Christian Church?
Zhang: The Church saw us as nonconformists. Well, we don't argue with that. We don't obey the regulations set by the church. Choir, weekly prayer, sabbath, holy communion, baptism, we do none of them.
Guo: A religion surely requires both ceremonial rituals without and spiritual experience within. Why would you go against all these rituals?
Zhang: When those superficial forms become the standards by which one group criticizes the other, then isn't that group the same as the Pharisees? Jesus Christ detested this hypocrisy. Every Sunday I have to go to the market. I can't rest on that day. The Chinese Church has a lot of useless rules, including saying you have to endorse the government and the party's leadership. This is not very christian. A real christian doesn't act like that. The Christian Philadelphia Church revolted when they had to, Abraham didn't obey his father, David didn't obey Saul; Jesus didn't obey Moses; Martin Luther didn't obey the Pope. What christians should follow is the call from their own hearts, not Caesar's laws. So a christian like me is different from those in the church.
Guo: Did you feel the call from your heart then?
Zhang: Yes, I did feel a call, the call from Wang Zhimin.
Guo: Who's Wang Zhimin?
Zhang: He used to be the clergyman here. He was doing good all his life, and was loved by the poor people of Miao ethnicity. But after 1949 the Communist Party oppressed him, because he refused to salute Mao's portrait, and also refused to report his own thoughts to the party leaders. It's not that he was against the party, but he considered it a pseudo-religious cult if it forced people to believe in it. No matter how they threatened him, beat him or threw him into jail, he insisted that he would not worship idols. Wang Zhimin was beaten to death in the Rultural Revolution by the Communist Party on the false charge that he once led a militia group and killed seven Red Army soldiers. In fact, he wasn't involved in that incident at all. His assisstant Zhang Zhiqing was also tortured to death in jail. Wang was a prophet who suffered because of people's stupidity. He's a real christian. Now he is resurrected, not in his body, but in his spirit that relives in me. I felt his call, so I decided to carry his spirit on.
Guo: But today is different from yesterday. Those extreme actions taken in Mao's time are even self-criticized by members of the Communist Party today. To my knowledge, don't the christians have the practice of forgiveness? I heard that the government came here to alleviate poverty, but you refused to take their support. Why? Isn't that a bit extreme?
Zhang: They don't feel any remorse. Instead, they make propaganda about how glorious, how correct, and how great they are. I swore in my heart by the blood of Wang Zhimin for which they are responsible, that I would never cooperate with them unless they admitted their guilt.
Guo: But you still live in Chinese society after all, how can that be possible if you don't cooperate?
Zhang: We refuse to pay taxes, and don't want anything from the government. In the old days, the government suppressed the farmers heavily. They never did anything good for us. They would demand tax payment even when we killed a pig. They were no better than a bunch of bandits. So we decided that we wouldn't pay taxes. The officials didn't dare to bother me, but they took away the pigs and oxen belonging to my brothers, and tore down their houses. We didn't rebel, because we don't like violence. We don't believe that fighting is ever a solution. Nevertheless, we don't pay taxes to the government. We tried to reason with them, but they never listened. We just had to tolerate and pray.
Guo: If this continues, there will be clashes sooner or later, won't there?
Zhang: There have never been clashes. We don't want clashes. However, there was one widely-known incident. It happened in 1992. My son went to the mountain for firewood and the village director with his followers came after him, burned my horse cart. We went to the provincial government to protest by sitting peacefully there. If they had detained any of us, we would have gone to jail together. Finally the government apologized, and refunded me a horse cart.
Guo: Why didn't you accept their help when the government came to help you out of poverty? Isn't it a good thing to improve your life?
Zhang: We are the children of heaven on earth. We work hard and care for each other in brotherhood and sisterhood. Though we don't live in high buildings, we enjoy our peace and freedom. We don't want to be enslaved by the government, or their pity. (For that reason, the local people called them the "heaven-attained" group)
Guo: I heard that you don't agree with the single child policy. I think your disagreement makes a sense for your poor living conditions here.
Zhang: We don't accept any laws made by the Communist Party. We only go by our conscience. I opposed the single birth law in the past, because a child is a gift from God. But now I realize that too much population is not a good thing. We would run out of land if there were too many people. So we' re willing to control our birth rate because of this awareness. It has nothing to do with the law.
Guo: I heard that some people from the Church describe you as a "off-mainstream religion". It sounds well-intentioned to call you that.
Zhnag: Because they are supported by the government, the Church has a great number of followers. They call us "off-mainstream"? That's ridiculous. God's eyes only see the difference between truth and falsehood, rather than the difference between mainstream and off-stream. Some officials even called us a cult. They are indeed the cult themselves.
Guo: Do you regard yourself as a religious leader of your village people?
Zhang: I don't care if I am or not. All I care is the peace and freedom of my conscience. I'd like to regard myself as a real christian.
Guo: Why would you stress that you're a real Christian?
Zhang: Many people hate me. They tried every way to prove that I'm crazy and say that what I preach are not christian tenets. They prevented people from contacting me. But I know what I am doing. Jesus says "Ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake". I'm willing to bear the brunt. So I'm a real christian.
Guo: Are there many people who still believe you?
Zhang: It's not a problem if there are many or few. Jesus only had a dozen disciples. I used to have over a thousand followers. Now many people have quit because they were in fear of the government's assaults and threats. I never tried to persuade them not to quit, because everybody has to follow their own hearts. What we love is the peace and freedom from our own hearts. That's our choice.
Guo: So you think there will be fewer people believing you from now?
Zhang: It doesn't matter. You can't assume that people gathering in the government's church understand God better just because there are more of them. Jesus says, "Wherever you are, I'm amongst you, as long as you gather together in my name".
我见到他的时候,心中暗吃一惊,他当时正在田里劳作,矮小、黑瘦,看上去饱经风霜,衣服也是破旧的,但却有一股轩昂之气,他把手在衣服上擦了擦,和你握手,礼节是谦卑的,而打量人的目光给人感觉却好像是居高零下。他盯着我看了大概有半分钟,我还没有说什么 话,就问我,你想知道么?他说,你跟我来。
年来,希腊教徒仍然能在该处保持基督徒的崇拜机会。土耳其政府以后改称之为“阿拉·城”(ALA SEHIR),即“神
了解,他们对王志民非常同情怀念。国内资料对王志民几乎没有任何记载,而查询Wang Zhiming,英文资料却颇多,
潘霍华(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)。
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