
Robert Kenner和他的纪录片Food Inc

在2009.07.02这一期的“每日秀”(The Daily Show)中,主持人Jon Stewart邀请来了Robert Kenner做客他后一半节目的谈话,内容便是Robert Kenner新近拍摄的纪录片Food Inc. 两人就影片所反映的食品工业存(当然主要是美国的食品工业)在的问题进行了探讨。Robert Kenner认为美国目前工业化的食品生产(如牛奶的大规模集体饲养)虽然使食物便宜了,但却增加了食品的卡路里含量、降低了食品内在的营养,并增加了糖尿病、肥胖症的发病率。同时由于美国的食品产业是倚重石化工业,并以污染土壤为代价的,Robert Kenner指出这样的食品工业是难以为继的。当然主持人Jon Stewart也没放过机会揶揄美国人民一把,他在谈话途中从桌子底下掏出一盒"棒棒串蛋糕腊肠"叫道,这才是解决食品问题的良方啊。

我想起了早些一期的“每日秀”中(翻了翻电脑,发现是2月25号的),Jon Stewart拿新当选的奥巴马开了涮。奥巴马在对国会的致辞中说到“This is America. We don't do what's easy. We do what's necessary.” Jon Stewart戏谑道:“Have you met America? Have you been to America? Do you know what 'e pluribus unum' means? Easy& Uncessary!”接着Stewart说,伟大的美国人民创造了Roomba清扫机器人,因为普通的吸尘器需要手动,太费力气了;伟大的美国人民还发明了sport-elect减肥瘦腰带,风靡全国;最后Stewart从桌子底下掏出一罐baconnaise(熏肉(bacon)和蛋黄酱 (mayonnaise)的混合物,想想就够恶心的啊),道:it's for people who want heart disease but too lazy to actually make the bacon.


(e pluribus unum是美国政府徽印正面的拉丁语标语,意为“合众为一”。)

-----以下是Robert Kenner与Jon Stewart的谈话文本-----

J: What is the core of the issue that you're having right now with our food production?

R: Our food has fundamentally been transformed over the last 40 years. When you go through the super market, it doesn't look different, but the meat that we eat is not grown on the sort of wild open plane. These animals are stuffed into giant feed lots. Our tomatos are genetically modified. They look the same, but there's no nutritional value. There's no taste. And we've been transformed. We eat 2-3 calories more per day. We're overweight. We're obese, and 1/3 of all Americans, born after the year 2000, will have early-on set diabetes. And it's going to bankrupt us. This inexpensive food will bankrupt us.

J: So this is all because they're making the food cheaper, because the footage of the ways the cows are being rasied in chains, it's like in Ab Ghraib of animals. You know what I mean? They're literally stacked on top of each other, in the dark climbing around on their own (beep). It's crazy.

R: But it's not only the meat. I mean the fact is the whole thing has been transformed. We're subsidizing. Our tax dollars are going into the food that's making us sick.

J: Are you saying that the subsidy that we've placed in corn industry is the root of it?

R: Well, the corn and soy are basically 90% of the items in our super-market, and we're producing food that's basically carrying... basically they just provide us with salt, sugar and fat and...

J: Aren't those the 3 basic food groups?

(audience laughing)

R: Well, they become...

J: I haven't seen the pyramid for a while, but I'm pretty sure...

R: It's become 3 basic food groups.

J: But why is it that we're not then dying much earlier? The thing I can't figure out is don't we live longer than we did in the 60s, in the 50s and in the 40s when supposedly our food was healthier?

R: I think ultimately diabetes will change all that, and this is happening; it's come on. Ultimately, we're not going to be healthier. When I was kid, we spent something like 18% of our income on food. Today we spend about 9%.

J: So we've won!

R: That's great. I mean the fact is that we have really inexpensive food, which is great news. The problem is now, when I was a kid, our health care cost were about 5% of our paycheck. Today they're about 18%. So the fact is it's an aggregate. It's more expensive today. And we're not able to fix the health care sytem until we fix the food system.

J: But isn't it also though, it's the function of convenience and the amount of people, don't they have to mass-produce food at some level? There are 6 billion people in the world. And also... we're very busy.

(audience laughing)

R: It's true, and the food is very quick, it's very fast.

J: In the old days, yes, people grew food and they made salads, and talked to each other, but...(audience laughing) you know, I have things to watch on television.

R: Now it's true, but the fact is the system we have now is not sustainable. It's based on gasoline, and it's based on polluting the earth. Ultimately we're going to have to change for that reason alone. But the fact is 1 billion of our 6 billion are going to bed hungry right now. So it's not working. We call this the conventional food system.

J: So what would you do? What is the solution?

R: One of the things we explored in food Inc. was to say how can we feed people? how can we do it in a way that's healthy. Unfortunately, most of the industrial producers did not want to talk to us, and didn't want to answer to that arguement. One of the things is it would be nice to know what's in our food to be allowed to know that.

J: This is a pretty excellent point. If I may, this to me is one of the solutions (taking out a box of Pancakes& Sausages on a Stick from under the desk). We do a thing with a profiteer. They're "Pancakes& Sausages on a Stick". Now these things, I don't know if this is possiblly even the solution: what if everything we eat is on a stick, and that the stick is somewhat indistinguishable from whatever you're eating. Isn't this the future? In your mind, is this food, or is this food-like...

Robert Kenner on the Daily Show

R: substance.

J: Yeah. So why don't people speak out against it more?

R: Well, hopefully, I think things are changing. The fact is that we as consumers have more power than we think. Actually one of the scenes in the film is Walmart, who would have thought? They actually change, took RBST, which is a growth hormone for dairy cows. They took it out of the milk, because consumers said they didn't want it. So we have to learn that we have a lot more power. We vote 3 times a day.
