The following programme has to be debugged by X
#Define 1="YES"
#Define 0="NO"
# just as how these two numbers work for computer
printf ("Request from programmer: X, will you be my girlfriend?")
printf ("Please type an integer to answer the request. Beware
the number you are going to input decides a man's behavior")
if X types "1"
then end if AND the programmer shall give X a kiss;
if X types "0"
then go back to the first "if";
If X types a number other than "1" or "0"
then change it into a binary number AND go
back to the first "if" until she is kissed.
2)为表明此“程序”完全符合EOD (Equal Opportunity&Diversity)之精神,同性恋者或主动追求计算机男生的小妹们完全可以根据自身情况更改“程序”中的某些词汇。