* When I was in grade five at primary school, my father said, You're an adult now. You should go and see our country's great landscape. He let me go and travel alone, but didn't give me any money, because he thought I was able to earn money. During travelling, I could only evade tickets fare and ask others for food and drink. I wandered about for a whole summer vacation. -- Huang Liaoyuan
直到父亲变成老人我才有机会了解他。他是个诗人,他的经历让我感觉所有名利都是非常无耻的东西。我出生后不久,父亲就被错划成右派,我们全家随他去了新疆。在新疆的18 年,很长时间我们住在地窝子里。那时候一年吃一次肉,过年时在玉米发糕里放点糖精,这都让我高兴不已。2000 年我回过一次新疆,当时住的房子只留下一个坑,有点像沙漠中故城的感觉。童年伙伴也变得衰老木讷,看着心里充满苍凉。艾未未
* I didn't have a chance to understand my father until he became an old man. He's a poet, and his stories make me feel that fame and fortune are the most disgraceful things. Soon after I was born, my father was wrongly classified as the right-winger. The whole family moved with him to Xinjiang. In the 18 years in Xinjiang, we lived in the underground earth house for much of the time. Back then, we ate meat only once a year. In Spring Festival, simply adding some saccharin to the steamed corn-bread would make me happier than ever. In 2000, I went back to Xinjiang. What was left in our old house was a crater. It felt like a desolate town in a desert. My childhood friends had become old and slow. I was full of sadness when looking at them. -- Ai Weiwei
现在心境已经很开阔了,学会了检讨自己,没有特别不喜欢的人或者事 。黄永松(《汉声》)
My heart can take in more things than before. I have learned how to reflect upon myself. There are no people or things in particular I dislike. -- Huang Yongsong.
22 岁那年,我有过一次灵魂出窍的体验。当时我刚从中山大学毕业,进入中央电视台后被派往西藏拍摄纪录片。在路上我发烧了,条件很恶劣,昏迷中看见输液的管子里还有沉淀的渣滓。在抢救的一瞬间,我感到自己离开了身体,清楚的看见医生和护士围着我说话、呼吸。这个经历影响我一生,之后我的所有的创作都和生死有关。李缨(《靖国神社》)
我中学毕业以后,就有这么一个想法,也有这么一种自信,我要用自己的双手去创造前途,当然首先要从自己的生活开始,那时我完全不靠家里养活。我在太原上学的时候做各种低级的美术工作,假期还跟着剧团去走穴……我从生活方式上努力靠近一个独立知识分子应有的方式,能够独立生活才能独立观察和思想……我当时的电影理想也是这样,既然我能靠自己的双手吃饭,也就能靠自己的双手拍电影…… 贾樟柯
* After I graduated from junior high school, an idea came down upon me, together with some sort of confidence, that I would build my future with my own hands. Of course the first thing I needed to start from then was my own life. I didn't fully rely on my family. I did all the low jobs of fine arts when I went to school in Taiyuan. I even went with the theatre to perform in other places.... I was trying to make my life similar to an independent intellectual's life, living independently and observing and thinking independently.... My film dream was the same, because if I can earn my livelihood with my own hands, then I can make films with my own hands, too.... -- Jia Zhangke
农民组织“阜阳南塘兴农合作社”负责人。1998 年开始在乡间搞“新农村”建设实验,试图在农村建立新的公共生活空间。杨云标
* My mother was a worker in a light-bulb factory. Her job was painting the bulbs everyday. The work was simple, but she never asked for leave in her whole life, because she says that will reduce her wage. She didn't even ask for leave on the day my elder sister was married. But she changed quickly with times. She started doing small business after she retired. She sold clothes and made some money. -- Zhou Yunpeng
我最怕我的冬不拉琴弦断掉。对于琴弦我充满敬畏。 马木尔
* What I fear most is that my dombura's strings broke. I'm full of awe for the strings of this instrument. -- Mamer
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